Linked Terms with Spacing

LandingPage PRO SurfSkater

Check out the webpage template below that will be made available to each associated athlete.

Rafael Azevêdo

“Hello guys, never forget that the main objective of the new SurfSkate modality is to express, through a surf simulator, the maximum reality of surfing.”


After the emergence of the first surf simulators in 1996 by Carver Skateboards, Rafael Azevêdo pioneered the authentic SurfSkate scene as a new modality in Brazil.

A dedicated practitioner, he has served as a professional athlete, teacher, and president of a social project focused on surfskate.

He built this yellow surfskate track, organized physical championships, and established the 4 key criteria to regulate the new surfskate modality.

Among other actions, he continues to produce multimedia content about SurfSkate with great enthusiasm.

from Brazil
Pro Coach SurfSkate
Event Organizations



Best Moments

Share your best SurfSkate in gallery.

RafaelAzevedo Careta SurfSkate Brazil

RafaelAzevedo Mergulho SurfSkate Brazil

RafaelAzevedo SurfSkate5 Brazil

RafaelAzevedo Surf2 Brazil

RafaelAzevedo SurfSkate3 Brazil

RafaelAzevedo Surf Brazil

RafaelAzevedo SurfSkate4 Brazil

RafaelAzevedo SurfSkate6 Brazil

Preferably photos related to your surf and surfskate lifestyle.

SurfSkater Challenges

Complete challenges with evidentiary videos and enhance your reputation on the WSSL Platform.

Generate Speed

Show that you already know how to ride surfskate with speed.

Bottom Turn

Essential turn with pressure on the wave's base prior to maneuver execution.

Top Pump

Pumping on the highline of the track.


Perform long turns on the top sections of the track.

Drop Track

Drop your best waves.

Link Manuevers

Connect a sequence of maneuvers.

Cut Back

Execute the cutback line with the correct posture.


Maneuver of wide and expressive carve on the lip of wave concrete.


Perform a quick and abrupt turn on the top of the wave.


Float over the lip of the concrete waves.


Perform a snap with your back close to the wall, using your front hand smoothly if necessary.


Perform a full 360° rotation on the concrete, following the rail of the wave.


Perform a snap with your back close to the wall, using your back hand smoothly if necessary.


Gain enough momentum to perform a maneuver above the concrete wave.

Off The Lip

Reach the top of the wave with the rear truck and reverse the direction.

Full Rotator

Execute an aerial maneuver rotating 360 degrees before landing.

Overcome a series of surfskate challenges.

Record videos overcoming the challenges.

The contents will be attached in your webpage profile, and you will get a WSSL Certificate.

Eduma is more than just a place to get an education.

Live Search Tracks

Visiting different types of surfskate tracks adds experience to the athlete's and professional's career.

Manaira Plazza Brazil

Manaira Plaza

Maraca RJ Brazil


PaqueLagoa PB Brazil

Solón de Lucena

Madureira RJ Brazil


Pista do Pé SurfSkate Joinville Santa Catarina Brazil

Foot Track

ParqueSantana PE Brazil

Park Santana

SurfSkate na Praca DuO Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Plaza of O

ParqueMarinha Track Brazil out


Visit our catalog of suggested surfskate tracks, they can be found in public spaces or private clubs. If you are already a membership, don't worry, simply present your profile on the WSSL website to gain free access!

If the location is still blocked, the athlete can facilitate a partnership agreement with the club to grant free access to WSSL Memberships.

The facilitator of the partnership receives generous commissions for each closed agreement.

WSSL ensures continuous visibility of the private club on the national surfskate federation's webpage throughout the entire partnership duration. Access our complete media plan for more information.

Events Participation

We know that hosting events is the main driver for the growth of the new SurfSkate modality around the world.

IntercambioSurfSkate 2016 Brazil

Cartaz 1Etapa SurfSkate StreetStyleONG2016

RafaelAzevedo Entrevista 2Etapa Circuito Paraibano StreetStyle2016

team riders streetstyleong

Interview RafaelAzevedo SurfSkate Brazil

SurfSkate StreetStyle

2Etapa Circuito Paraibano StreetStyle2016

RafaelAzevedo Guys SurfSkate WavegardenPDR Brazil

2Pernambuco SurfSkate Cartaz

By participating in surfskate events, you will be contributing to the growth of the new discipline.

Invite athletes, friends, and local communities to participate in surfskate events.

Create multimedia contents and tag #worldsurfskateleague to activate our network of sharing.

*Memberships guarantee participation in all events, get an exclusive page-profile on the WSSL web platform, and have access to private content about surfskate.

Experience membership privileges!


Where is the president?

Address way

1800 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Unit D & E Venice

Contact info

Mobile: (+88) - 1990 - 6886
Hotline: 1800 - 1102

Work timer

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday & Saturday: 10:30 - 22:0


Maintain good relationships with people in the surfskate communities and invite them to participate in local events.

Community members are motivated by collective activities, so promote new ideas!

Let's activate our network of contacts to offer support to events organized by local surfskate communities. But don't get complacent, also seek new opportunities!

Enjoy the event with intensity, but don't forget to capture the best moments.

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