Angled Riser Pads For SurfSkate

Por: Rafael Azevedo

What Are Angled Riser Pads?

Also known as truck wedges, are components placed between the truck and the deck of a surfskate to raise its height and alter the truck's rotation angle.

Why Use Angled Riser Pads?

These pads improve performance by making it easier to adjust the surfskate's setup, enhancing both turn responsiveness and stability based on orientation.

Tips for Using Angled Riser Pads

Experiment with different setups to find the best combination for your riding style, balancing between turn responsiveness and stability.

How to Increase Turns

To introduce more turns, position the wider part of the angled riser pad inward, towards the deck.

How to Enhance Stability

For more stability, place the wider part of the angled riser pad outward, away from the deck.

Angled Riser Pad Setups

Front Wedge: Wider part forward, enhancing front turns. Wedge & Dewedge: Front wedge for turns, rear dewedged for stability. Double Wedge: Both wider parts inward for maximum turn maneuverability.

More Info About Angled Riser Pads