Backside 360 Reverse On SurfSkate

Por: Rafael Azevedo

Explore the WSSL's secrets to improving your surfskate backside snap through our step-by-step guide...

Step 1: Choose the right Wave

Train on ramps resembling concrete waves. Start slowly, increase speed gradually, and execute smooth turns riding the front truck.

Step 2: Perfecting the Turns

Achieve moderate speed, project setup turns, and trace long arcs on the high line.

Step 3: Focus and Drift

Focus on projecting superior turns flowing your body weight, which will enable you to execute the backside snap by kicking the tail of the board more radically at the right moment.

Step 4: Repetition and Muscle Memory

Repeat this several times to develop muscle memory and feel confident, as these exercises will be precursors for you to develop the next technical skills that we will teach in the upcoming SurfSkate tutorial.

Step 5: Body Expressions

Be mindful of body expressions to correctly guide the movements. Maintain reference postures suggested by WSSL School for Bottom Turn, Decompression, Body Trigger, Explosion, and Finish of the maneuver.

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