Comprehensive Guide to SurfSkate Wheels

Por: Rafael Azevedo

Discover The Best SurfSkate Wheels For SurfSkate

Our guide on surfskate wheels covers key attributes such as diameter, durometer, surface, edge, core placement, and much more. Check it out!

Introduction to SurfSkate Wheels

Choosing the right surfskate wheels is crucial for achieving the best performance and enjoyment. Therefore, understand the key attributes to choose the best wheel for your surfskate.

Wheel Diameter

Smaller wheels (65mm) accelerate faster, perfect for quick starts. Larger wheels (up to 70mm) may accelerate slower but offer higher speeds for longer rides.

Wheel Durometer

Durometer measures wheel hardness. Softer wheels (75a-78a) provide more grip, while harder wheels (83a-100a) slide better and are ideal for smooth surfaces.

Contact Patch

The contact patch is the wheel's surface touching the ground. A larger contact patch offers better stability, while a smaller one enhances agility and carving.

Wheel Surface and Edge

Smooth surfaces provide more grip; rough surfaces enhance sliding. Square edges grip better; rounded edges slide more easily.

Core Placement

Core placement affects performance. Centerset cores offer even wear and controlled slides, while offset cores balance grip and slide.

What Are The Best Wheels for Surfskating?

Access now our review available on the WSSL website.

The Best Wheels For SurfSkate