How to Do a Frontside Snap on a Surfskate

Por: Rafael Azevedo

Learn how to perform a frontside snap on a surfskate with these expert tips.

Step 1:

Start with a proper warm-up to prevent injuries. Focus on stretching your legs, core, and upper body.

Step 2: Envision the maneuver

Navigate through the sinuous rail of a wave concrete until you find a strategic session.

Step 3: Initial posture

Keep the decompression trigger active during the bottom turn with a low hip posture to flow gradually and intensively towards the FrontSide Snap On SurfSkate maneuver location.

Step 4: Perform the Snap

Measure the force you will need so that when you kick the tail of the surf simulator, the back truck reaches the coping as the main objective.

Step 5: Special Tips

Use progressive body movements to guide the motion.

Step 6: Maneuver Finish

Stay steady to express a posture that characterizes the correct completion of the maneuver.