How To Do a Layback On SurfSkate?

Por: Rafael Azevedo

The layback is one of the most stylish and challenging maneuvers in surfskating. It requires speed, balance, and a backward lean to touch the back arm on the concrete wave. Learn this!

Step 1: Master the Basics

Build a solid foundation with basic maneuvers like carving, pumping, and bottom turns. Good balance and speed control are essential.

Step 2: Find the perfect Spot

Practice on walls with smooth, curved surfaces, like waveramps or bowls. These locations resemble oceanic waves and are ideal for layback practice.

Step 3: Execute the Layback

Approach the top of the wave with speed. Lean back, angle the tail of the surfsimulator, and gently touch the back arm on the surface. Arch your back as close to the wall as possible.

Step 4: Special Tips

Use 83a polyurethane wheels for smooth grip. Film yourself or seek feedback from experienced athletes to identify improvements. Practice on low transitions first, then gradually increase difficulty.

Step 5: Body Expressions

Laybacks improve style, balance, flexibility, and core strength. This maneuver enhances your overall surfskating skills and adds flair to your repertoire.

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