The Best Bearings for SurfSkate

Por: Rafael Azevedo

Explore the key details about bearings to achieve optimal performance for your SurfSimulator.

Why Are Bearings Important?

Bearings are crucial for generating more speed due to their ability to reduce friction, offering greater efficiency to the athlete on the surfskate track.

Understanding Bearing Ratings

ABEC ratings measure bearing precision, not performance. Higher ratings indicate tighter tolerances, but they do not necessarily guarantee better performance in surfskating.

About Ceramic Bearings

Ceramic bearings offer low thermal expansion, ensuring higher speed and performance. They are ideal for high-performance surf-skaters or those living near the sea, due to their resistance to rust caused by salt air.

Choose the Right Bearings For SurfSkate

Integrated bearings eliminate the need for spacers and speed rings, offering a hassle-free setup.

Maintenance Tips for Bearings

Regular cleaning and lubrication are essential. Check if the wheels spin smoothly, if not, it's time for maintenance or replacement!

More Info About Bearings For SurfSkate